E-Office is a Mission Mode Project (MMP) under the National e-Governance program of Uttar Pradesh Government. This product has been developed by the National Informatics Center (NIC) and its aim is to make all the tasks / processes in all departments and offices coming under the Government of Uttar Pradesh more efficient, effective, transparent.
The product is designed as a reusable system by bringing together independent works and systems under a single framework to increase transparency, increase accountability and transform government work culture and ethics.
Benefits of e-office:
- Transparency.
- Accountability.
- Data security and assurance of data integrity.
- Replacing government work culture and ethics.
- To promote innovation by releasing employees’ energy and time from unproductive processes.
S.No. | Type | Attachment | Description |
1 | Bulk E-mail Users Subscription form. | Click Here(PDF 0.1 M.B.). | For creation of two or more users gov.in E-mail Id. |
2 | E-mail Policy. | Click Here(PDF 0.4 M.B.). | E-mail policy of GoI June 2018 version 1.1. |
3 | E-Office Project Action Plan. | Click Here(PDF 0.2 M.B.). | E-Office Project Action Plan for Azamgarh. |
4 | E-Office SOP | Click Here E-office SOP | E-Office Project Action Plan for Azagarh. |
5 | E-Office Related Materials | Click Here E-Office Related Materials | E-Office Related Materials |
click here : Power point presentation for e-office system training (PDF-1.39 MB).
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